1. TBC Raids & Point shop

    So, tried doing Black Temple this evening to get T6 gear for transmogs, we got to the mobs in front of Teron Gorefiend. The Shadowmoon Deathshapers kept spawning skeletons to the point where our fps dropped to 0 and I'm pretty sure this was the cause of the server lag everyone experienced earleir.

    Mount Hyjal is also very badly bugged with the aggro range on Archimonde and I'm sure people have experienced similar issues trying to clear older content to get transmog gear.

    Could we please get either those raids fixed or could we perhaps have the items that they drop brought back to the points shop, and on that note why were items like T1-6 removed from the point shop? I can understand people needing to pay coins for something like corrupted ashbringer because of how unique and rare it is but you used to be able to vote for insignificant items like Molten Core, Karazhan etc. drops and I feel that this should be brought back to the point shop or at least have the content fixed so that it can be cleared without requiring 10-20+ overgeared 6k+ players to attempt it.

    Players at this point are unable to obtain gear in older content due to the bugs and are also equally unable to vote for them.

  2. they will, eventually, fix tbc raid content for us, otherwise Outland wont last for 6 months

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