1. Looking for a Warrior Arms leveling spec

    I've never played WoW before so I'm having trouble deciding what skills to pick up and what talents I want.
    Edited: June 16, 2017

  2. @DynamicsBRD
    This will work, go into fury only when u've got blaestorm in arms
    Keep in mind that the most important talents are Taste for Blood and Improved Overpower, when u can't overpower, use heroic strike and cast slam if you have rage for it and have talent which makes it 0.5 seconds cast.
    ( http://db.warmane.com/wotlk/spell=56638 http://db.warmane.com/wotlk/spell=12963)
    Edited: June 16, 2017

  3. http://talentcalc.deffender.eu/warri...00000000000000

    First 51 points place in Arms Tree untill Bladestorm.
    Max 1 out of 3 weapon specialisations (Sword, Axe, Mace), depending on a weapon u decide to go for (dont waste more than 3/5 points in it for now).

    After that level up 3/3 Armored to the Teeth.

    Then max get those 8 points in prot tree (imp thunderclap > imp bloodrage > incite).

    Once u did that u have to think about couple of things...
    If u feel like u might PvP a lot when lvling and/or getting snared, u can go for 2/2 second wind.
    If not/After that get improved Mortal Strike 3/3.

    Once u did all that, finish ur wep specialisation 5/5 and get 5/5 crit % in fury tree.

    After u hit lvl 80...

    Arms PvE spec:
    Pick and max out Booming Voice or Second Wind with those 2 last talent points.

    Fury PvE spec:

    Arms PvP spec:
    U can get that point from Charge to Tactical Mastery.

    Prot Warrior (dungeon hero spec):

  4. Thanks for helping me out guys.
    Edited: June 16, 2017

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