1. herbing or minning for gathering

    hello im currently leveling as a skinner but i was curious what would give me more bang for my buck when it came to gold income herbing or minning

  2. Man there are big problems with mining and as i hear herbalism also. Look a litle more in forums you will find posts about it

  3. Mining is a real pain. You need the patience of a capybara if you want to go do down that path. Prepare your body, mind and soul cause you're gonna find yourself roaming around an area finding 1 or 0 nodes. If you do decide to go for it all I can say is good luck...you're gonna need a whole lot of it..

  4. Dont bother going for Herbalism..its as bad as mining atm. Seems to be like with every Private-Server ive played on....it was the same problem,nodes were ****ed up. For example some Areas in Azeroth do have like 5-6 Herbs spawned at one Location, maybe their spawn points are bugged.
    You then find no other herbs in this part except where those couple spawn.

  5. Herbalism is without problem with skills...mining, low count of veins, bug huge profit. Copper Ore is sold for 8G/stack.

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