1. Dungeon drops nerfed?

    To gear my twinks, cloth farming and make money I have been farming old school dungeons.

    At first the only greens that would be in chests, BUT multiple blues would drop. I would get 2 or 3 Shadowfangs in a run from SFK or 2 to 3 Staves of the Blessed Seer for BFD, etc.

    Not anymore.

    They changed something.

    Still no greens, and now those items I just listed aren't dropping as much. Instead of 6-8 blues, getting 2-4.

    Edited: June 17, 2017

  2. It might just be bad luck but I'm leveling atm and not seeing any gear drops at all, by now I'd have a few pieces of anything.

  3. and I put the blues i get on the AH for cheap so you guys have some kind of gear.

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