1. LFR system

    was great idea to released LFR raids without bouns loot quests and dont forget the items drops chance are great

  2. LFR loot is really ****ed and low 24 / 25 people get motes of harmony , **** useless pets or gold the % of the loot drop shouldn't be that low like seriously...

  3. Read between lines :D No items , _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

  4. Each boss kill 6~ items should drop, you CANNOT see if someone gets an epic in the chat you you dont really know how much is dropping. From what I've experienced the drop rate isnt raffled for each played more like how I discribed it with 6~ items for each boss to random players. So there is the possibility that you never get anything because you never get chosen by the loot.

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