1. New to multiboxing

    Hello guys! ive been waiting for this server so long, and miss the days were i could multibox, but i dont remember what software i used, i am playing on the TBC server ofc... u guys have any suggestions?

  2. Rather than throw a wall of text at you, here's some links to a couple of recent posts I've made in the last week or so.


    Short answer:

    ISBoxer is the best option out there, but not the easiest to get into. HotKeyNet and the like take a fair bit of setup, but once you figure it out, a lot of it is duping/copying/pasting.

    I almost recommend new people start in using something like PWNBoxer until the get a feel for the basics and are ready to move onto ISBoxer.

    PWNBoxer's creator didn't have the best of reputations in the scene back in the day (justifiably so), but looking beyond that, the software itself makes it trivial for new boxers to get custom window layouts, key broadcasting, and even a bit of optional mouse broadcasting setup. Once a new boxer is comfortable with the basics and wants to stick with the hobby, then start digging into ISBoxer.

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