1. SSC and TK attunement


    Do SSC and TK require attunement? On retail it was removed 1 year before the release of 2.4.3.


  2. Hello,

    Do SSC and TK require attunement? On retail it was removed 1 year before the release of 2.4.3.

    Yes. This is a progress server. Only the client is 2.4.3

  3. Yes. This is a progress server. Only the client is 2.4.3
    Progress server what a joke.

    When we are actually in 2.1 with pre nerf content.
    2.4.3 spells and talents
    Quest from sunwell already available.
    Map of quel Dana's already available in the center of shattrah.
    2.1 but SSC and TK still not available (still in testing)
    And many others

  4. Progress server what a joke.

    When we are actually in 2.1 with pre nerf content.
    2.4.3 spells and talents
    Quest from sunwell already available.
    Map of quel Dana's already available in the center of shattrah.
    2.1 but SSC and TK still not available (still in testing)
    And many others

    PrOgrEss SeRvEr wHat a jOke.

    WhEn wE Are AcTuaLly In 2.1 wiTh prE nErF cOnteNt.
    2.4.3 spEllS And tAlenTs
    QUeSt fRom SunWelL alReAdy aVaIlabLe. Map oF QuEl DAna's AlreAdy avAiLablE in the ceNtEr Of sHaTtraH.
    2.1 bUt SSC AnD TK stIlL noT aVailAblE (StiLl In tEstiNg)
    And MaNy otHerS

  5. Progress server what a joke.

    When we are actually in 2.1 with pre nerf content.
    2.4.3 spells and talents
    Quest from sunwell already available.
    Map of quel Dana's already available in the center of shattrah.
    2.1 but SSC and TK still not available (still in testing)
    And many others
    The raids come as they did in retail, I'd call that a progress server.

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