1. July 2, 2017  

    H or A ?

    For pvp grouping/arena teams, should I go horde or alliance?

  2. July 2, 2017  

  3. July 2, 2017  
    I leveled in both horde and alliance.

    Horde has a better community, players help each other, there is better guilds, the auction house prices are cheaper and the quests are slightly better for the horde.

    The alliance are most trolls and kids riding on the bonus at the moment so the experience of playing on it is quite bad.

    Bgs wise horde wins 80% of them, taken you don't get allies premades.

    Even thought there are bonus for the alliance you will have a way better experience in the horde.

    Hope it helps.

  4. July 2, 2017  
    Horde all the way. I bought into the faction change and i gotta admit, it really sucks on Alliance. Most of my bg queue's take forever and they're 90% loses other than a few good AV. My dungeons are pretty awful to. i deal with a lot of wipes that should generally be avoidable. Community? Meh. i meet some decent people on Alliance, but you can get that from Horde to. So what are you left with? Pointless perks? I guess. I'm at a point of considering abandoning my rogue and probably going back to my horde priest just because my over all experience on Alliance just really isn't that full filling. Sure i got a free flying mount, but i'm not sure that's a big enough deal right now with how awful everything else is.

    In the end, i'd say don't go Alliance. Not unless you have a stable raid community waiting for you that'll help you with gear or pvp.

  5. July 2, 2017  
    Horde, hope you enjoy ur time with us. :)

  6. July 2, 2017  
    I always Pictures alliance as this:

    a 17 years old teen wearing diapers Playing in his mom basement while chewing bubble gum.

    Rolling a NE rogue called Shadowstab.

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