1. July 7, 2017  

    Player Limit

    I would know If the Server can expand the player limit on the realm Icecrown to 15 000 (Like on the Outland realm), because it would be great for the population of the Warmane WoW, and for the players..
    Like 400 people is waiting to get in the game, it's kind of anoying..
    Just saying that, because realm Lordaeron has 1x rate, and Icecrown has 7x..Which is much better for many people.
    I'll be glad if you answer my post, thanks in advance!

  2. July 7, 2017  
    400 is kinda annoying? You whiny entitled ****, **** off kindly. Get 10 Euro donate ONE SINGLE TIME or shut the **** up.

  3. July 8, 2017  
    If it was possible then they would do it. And 400 is nothing compared to the queues we used to have in the old days.
    Haha, yes, them 4k queues during the day. I remember waking up early in the morning and logging my account and then going to school so I can just play without waiting when I get home. :D

  4. July 8, 2017  
    "Hi hello Forum! I play for free on this server but this server doesnt allow me to play when i want to play and its rather annoying really, so please add more player limit so i can play for FREE!"

  5. July 8, 2017  
    I would know If the Server can expand the player limit on the realm Icecrown to 15 000 (Like on the Outland realm), because it would be great for the population of the Warmane WoW, and for the players..
    Do you have any idea of what you're saying?

  6. July 9, 2017  
    Haha, yes, them 4k queues during the day. I remember waking up early in the morning and logging my account and then going to school so I can just play without waiting when I get home. :D
    And hope the server didn't crash before you get home...

  7. July 9, 2017  
    I don't think they're gonna risk raising the pop. cap, that's a toll on the servers.

    Let me quote some statements from Obnoxious for previous posts that are similar to this.

    Outland is an older expansion, with a much smaller geographical area and less complex things for the core to deal with simultaneously.

    Just to clarify, I wouldn't say never, but I would say highly unlikely. It would take some big breakthrough in the core coding to further increase the population cap more than the huge value it already is without degrading the experience - even at the current cap we already get complains of delays at times.
    @Obnoxious, you're welcome.

  8. 15k is way too much. But increasing cap to 13.000 would do the trick.

  9. Well then I'd say decrease to 10k, the delay still exists.

  10. Waiting in que is a game of its own ^_^ You get the time to browse the wonderfull warmane forums.

  11. donating 10€ is the créme de la créme

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