Hello there,

Me and my friend are in the process of leveling up and currently hit 50 and 51 respectively yesterday (3 days of starting on server). I play a Hunter and friend plays a Rogue, we are a package deal and looking to join a guild together. We're not looking to be split and only one of us gets invited to a guild for class reasons. Hopefully we can find a guild that needs both roles still. Friend has played TBC retail while I have not. My experience started in Wrath but I wanted to play a earlier expac due to the nature of the game feeling better.

We expect to hit 70 within another 2-3 days of login time, since friend does school work, he has summer finals coming this week so finding time to level together is going to be hard the rest of this week. But we're determined so it will happen, just a matter of time at this point.

We both have raiding experience and are decent players to learn and take directions. He has raided TBC, and Legion expacs. I've raided Wrath (ToC/ICC only), Cata, WoD, and Legion. Obviously I've started and stopped playing the retail game many times thru each expac so not all raid tiers have been completed by me. And my friend only playing the full release of TBC and a portion of Legion, but since he has raided TBC he has an edge and knows what to expect. Me on the other hand just have to watch some boss fight vids and learn the role of TBC BM Hunter inside of a raid and I'll be fine. I've played Warrior/Lock/DK throughout my raiding experience, I wanted to try something new entirely.

The ONLY day that I know of right now that we can't make for raiding would be Thursdays. All other days of the week would be acceptable, as long as raid times for EST aren't extremely late where it would cut into sleep for my day job the following day, or his college classes. If the guild is PST based it still holds the same, if the times are too offset for EST then it might not be a fit. As for times, I don't have a guideline of what times we're looking for.

At this point we simply are putting ourselves out there as decently seasoned raiding players and hope that is enough for the baseline. Any specifics or questions I can direct to my Rogue friend or any towards me the Hunter can be asked. General info is we're both EST, both over 21, both have headsets with good mics and ready to play TBC to the fullest

Thank you for reading, hope to hear from someone.