1. problem is ppl who dont use gs at this point are a minority, and ppl who use it are also embarassed about ppl who don't
    so thers like 5% embarassed about 95% of ppl and 95% of ppl embarassed about 5% of ppl
    These are some really exaggerated numbers. I doubt there's more than half people using gearscore.

  2. Is this a thing needed for TBC or no?
    Sure it is. People who cry about it are 1800gs rogues.

  3. It has infected the server a little due to WOTLK players coming from Icecrown to play Outland for their first TBC experience, as they lack the brains/experience/knowledge to know why the addon makes no sense and is dumb, they will use it. Most groups don't use gearscore, most good players will ridicule the mention of gearscore.

    Sure it is. People who cry about it are 1800gs rogues.
    People who support it are double digit IQ casuals. Coming from a T5 ready Prot/Fury Warrior, with T4 on farm. It was dumb enough in WOTLK, in TBC it's beyond stupidity.
    Edited: July 14, 2017

  4. The problem with gearscore is you could be fully epic with a high gearscore and still do less dps than someone in blues/greens because of the way gear is itemised in TBC, not even because of skill. Some items can be epic with a high gearscore and still be bad, especially with so many items heavily stamina budgeted. And this isn't just a one off thing, there are countless instances of this and I constantly see people wearing epics that are no better than questing blues/greens, or are identical to blues/greens but with extra stamina..

    It's also bad because there are already easy to tell guages of a players gear by learning what level of stats are sufficient, such as bonus healing or attack power, which is what people actually used back in TBC. You know if a Fury Warrior wants to join your group and he's running 1700ap with blacksmithing weapons, his gear is pretty good. If he tells you he has "xxx" gearscore he could be running around with 1400 ap but have 10k health because his epic gear has no dps stats and high stam.
    Edited: July 14, 2017

  5. People who support it are double digit IQ casuals. Coming from a T5 ready Prot/Fury Warrior, with T4 on farm.
    I can say the same thing, look:
    People who don't support it are double digit IQ casuals. Coming from a T5 ready Mage, with T4 on farm.

    Your arguments are ****ing totally invalid. Gearscore on tbc, for sure, isn't as good and viable thing as on wotlk, but still is very useful. No need to explain this if you only don't have 50 icq.

  6. I can say the same thing, look:
    People who don't support it are double digit IQ casuals. Coming from a T5 ready Mage, with T4 on farm.

    Your arguments are ****ing totally invalid. Gearscore on tbc, for sure, isn't as good and viable thing as on wotlk, but still is very useful. No need to explain this if you only don't have 50 icq.
    Yeah sure it is, it doesnt surprise me that people who use gearscore tell that to themselves.

  7. Yeah sure it is, it doesnt surprise me that people who use gearscore tell that to themselves.
    It doesn't surprise me too that people who don't use gearscore think they're genius and others are wotlk kids.

  8. gearscore is great. It lets you know who to avoid. eg if they use gearscore avoid them

  9. It doesn't surprise me too that people who don't use gearscore think they're genius and others are wotlk kids.
    Gearscore is a late WOTLK addon, most of the people here are too young to have played TBC to begin with, a lot of them were even children when they first played WOTLK.. These things add up pretty well, I guess you didn't play TBC retail either and are probably in your early 20s at best.

  10. I think it got to the point of no return at Outland by now. Every ****** out there has to add "2kGS+", when looking for people for his dungeon. It's beyond ridiculous and I seriously think they should just ban using or even mentioning this addon, because it REALLY hurts server. As a fresh 70 I'm not even trying to get in dungeons anymore, because of that. They prolly won't ban it, though, because the higher ilvl we gotta have to be able to join parties, the more money we'll spent on gear, when it'll finally become available in shop, right? ...Wrong, actually, majority of us rather quits. We'll have a place to go to very soon, unless things get changed. And quickly.

  11. I think it got to the point of no return at Outland by now. Every ****** out there has to add "2kGS+", when looking for people for his dungeon. It's beyond ridiculous and I seriously think they should just ban using or even mentioning this addon, because it REALLY hurts server. As a fresh 70 I'm not even trying to get in dungeons anymore, because of that. They prolly won't ban it, though, because the higher ilvl we gotta have to be able to join parties, the more money we'll spent on gear, when it'll finally become available in shop, right? ...Wrong, actually, majority of us rather quits. We'll have a place to go to very soon, unless things get changed. And quickly.
    ok nice meme

  12. GS is used to filter undergeared, any decent leader will inspect the invitee before starting the raid/dungeon/arena/whatever, and kick whoever used bad items just to improve their gs.

    However, if I call LFM and I receive 10 whispers, I'm not gonna inspect them on Armory to see what they have. I expect to know the gearscore so that I don't waste time inspecting.
    Word. That's all that has to be said

    I seriously think they should just ban using or even mentioning this addon, because it REALLY hurts server.
    No, people like you hurt the Server. Spread your salt somewhere else and/or farm gear.

  13. I think everyone knows gs in tbc isnt like wotlk
    Tbh, ppl who dont use it can just tell or ask for certain stats like dps, ap, healing, etc, u know there is nothing wrong for being nice.
    And having gs addon is also not something wrong, ppl use it to filter undergeared. And its not mandatory, for Gods sake.

    Why do even anyone get hurt by gs?

  14. i have to admit that 2k GS aint that much... I have green/blue enha sham and Im barely hitting 2050Gs and my dps aint that good.. so i think use GS is pointless... in fact you can demand only each role for your dungeon.. then you wont get thousands of whispers... pretty enough is ask to melees for AP and hit and to spellcasters for Spellpower and both to dps at all. And i think this is enough.. if you are. interested in someone you got whisper from, then just look on armory. Fun fact is... that not so many ppl using GS addon

  15. Gearscore. What is it? Well it's a player made addon from wotlk days.
    But let's start from the beginning. TBC heroics had no itemlvl restriction whatsoever. You had to have attunements in form of lengthy quest chains OR a certain reputation status with a certain faction. Now here's the thing. To be attuned and have the reputation to run TBC heroics you had to grind a **** ton of dungeons and do big quest chains which both would reward you with gear so by the time you could enter a heroic dungeon your gear was almost always up to par with the task.
    Jump forward to wotlk. Blizzard thought that the attunement and reputation barrier was too heavy for more casual players so they removed it in favour of ilvl restriction. You can't queue up in LFD for a certain dungeon unless you have the ilvl requirement. So far so easy to understand.
    Some people thought it would be a good idea to have a player made addon that combines your ilvl to gearscore so they could sort out people with "lesser" gear when building a pug etc. Sounds good right? Well for wotlk maybe. But only in terms of gear not in terms of what the player brings to the table in terms of skill.
    In TBC gearscore makes no sense especially not when you're only running dungeons. A lot of preraid BIS items for every class are greens / blues you get from quest chains that won't push your gearscore up by a big amount.

    Gearscore is just the worst. Especially now when the shop opens and baddies can post their new gearscore when applying for a PUG and be like "BUT I GOT SICK GEARSCORE BRUH I KILL ILLIDAN LOOK I HAVE GLAVES OMG U NUB"

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