1. Teleporting inside the instance during combat is a bug, you little *****.
    Sorry i did not know that lmao
    chill the **** out. Its wpvp

  2. its World of Warcraft not Respectcrap or Honorcrap
    Just like Starcraft is simply about stars - nothing about aliens or invasions or defenses.
    Just like Overwatch is about extra-creepy stalkers, who go above and beyond regular watching: they OVERwatch - it's not a bland FPSMOBA.
    Just like Heroes of the Storm is about people who show their valor during torrential rain - nothing about "war" in the name, after all.
    Just like Street Fighter is about punching the pavement into submission - who would be so silly to think it was a fight between people?

    That "the name of the game is hurr durr" excuse is way beyond old, but people keep bringing it back to life for some reason...
    Teleporting inside the instance during combat is a bug, you little *****.
    If it's in fact a bug, it should be in the Bug Tracker, not here getting people primed for infractions.

  3. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    I for one will continue abusing this until it is fixed, or a staff member says it is bannable... BECAUSE I WANT IT FIXED!

  4. To be honest, i had fun once and it was awful.

  5. as long its feature from game, not a bug, not cheating
    I find every means is fair

    just like some class has stun, the other doesnt

    also lol what honor and respect ???
    its World of Warcraft not Respectcrap or Honorcrap
    It's quite ironic since when you kill someone, you get honor points, so WoW literally expects a bit of honor to be involved.

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