1. New PvP Offsets in Season 2


    I recently leveled my druid and Im gearing it up right now, so I wonder what new pvp offsets will be available in new season. I dont want to spend all that time be4 new season farming them just to replace them after s2 start. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I also wonder if there are new offset pieces like cloak/bracers/belt/boots, I'm farming honor and wouldn't want to waste it on gear that'll be updated very soon.

  3. Would be great if Game Masters replied in this thread

  4. The off-set pieces (belt, boots, ring, bracer, cloak, neck) get upgraded -slightly- each season. The trinket does as well, I think.

    I wouldn't hold my breath for a new season tho, I'd be surprised if that wasn't 10+ weeks away.

  5. are they going to reset honor to 0 with start of new season?

  6. good question. A reply from a gm would be great. if S2 will pe purchaseable from arena vendor, what set will be for honor?

  7. Season 2 starting on August 20th and no honor/arena points reset were officially annouced.

    Besides that, S2 will be purchasable from arena with current S1 prices, S1 will also be purchased from arena but with reduced prices.
    S0 will still be the gear you can buy with honor, the novelty will be that you'll now be able to buy S2 offset pieces from honor as well (with current S1 offset prices).

    S1 set will be available for Honor when S3 hits.

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