1. Q:How much cost each profession?

    Any information guys?

  2. Friend said he spent 14k on tailoring spellstrike / spellfire + boosting the tailoring.

  3. Friend said he spent 14k on tailoring spellstrike / spellfire + boosting the tailoring.
    I just did the math yesterday for Spellstrike + Spellfire set using (Alliance) AH prices, total was 8300g. Unless you're spending WAY more than I did leveling Tailoring (700-900g), that's considerably more than it actually costs.

    The mining-related professions will be by far the most expensive to level right now due to the mining node problems. I'd stay away from those if possible. Enchanting is also going to be super expensive until the green drop rates are fixed. Enchanting may actually be the worst profession to level right now.

    Alchemy, Tailoring, and Leatherworking should all be relatively cheap. Mats are plentiful.

  4. Engineering is by far the cheapest. It costed me about 1.5k from 1 to 360. Goggles only require 350. From my experience. Leatherworking was so expensive. It relatively cheap until you hit thick leather and rugged leather it gets super expensive. Then it goes back to normal past 300. But then to level up to 375. You need primals and heavy clefthoof leather and those mats are always on farm.

  5. When I leveled Blacksmithing on my warrior I calculated that the mats to level blacksmithing + craft thunder was close to 16k gold.

    This might be different now.

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