1. SSC Trash respawn timer

    So remind me please is it normal that trash mobs in SSC respawn after 30 minutes?
    We do like 2-3 boss tries and trash is respawning. I'm not sure it is working as intended.

  2. The trash respawn timer is 45 minutes, which is the pre-nerf value

  3. wasnt it like only shortly after release and then FIXED and not nerfed? i mean 45 minutes trash respawn is bull**** :(

  4. Yeah the trash timer was changed for good reason.

  5. Stop being cry babies. Its perfectly fine. Clearly guilds (like out own) are clearing it)

  6. it was changed shortly after guilds were actually able to get into ssc and tk for great reason. if the intention was to make content "pre-nerf" they should have tuned the bosses accordingly

  7. Trash respawning more quickly doesn't add any fun or meaningful difficulty to the raid, it only makes it more tedious. I seriously hope the respawn timers get patched in the near future, because having to clear the same trash 3-4+ times a night instead of doing boss attempts makes raiding feel like a chore.

    Surely the devs can see the difference between keeping boss encounters pre-nerf for added challenge and blindly keeping things in the game that were patched out for good reason.

  8. Stop being cry babies. Its perfectly fine. Clearly guilds (like out own) are clearing it)
    By raiding 7 hours per day 7 days a week. Rofl.

  9. On retail only the top guild on our server had to do the 45 mins trash mobs. That was nerfed quickly for a good reason.

  10. On retail only the top guild on our server had to do the 45 mins trash mobs. That was nerfed quickly for a good reason.
    It encourages speed and preparation. It motivates players to use the best consumables, to increase the chances of killing the boss quickly. It's very very daunting for casual players, for sure. But there's always Karazhan.

  11. I would prefer harder bosses (15% more HP, DMG etc.) or raid auras, than this respawn. There is no challange, but it is very annoying.

  12. stop crying and clear it u wanted harder content u got harder content. Only thing ill complain about is how ONLY horde guilds tested SSC and that admins completely dismissed alliance guilds.

  13. We have enough people for testing right now. If I have not contacted you, it means all spots are currently filled up.

    Special thanks to:
    does symphony sound like a H guild to you

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