1. PVP Balance

    I was wondering why all the good players are on alliance side. No good guild are on horde side. They cant win any battleground, only with devastation premades sometimes....

    Maybe the could reduce the cost of faction change so the alliance powerhouse can move a bit to horde side.

    What do you think?

  2. A lot of people tend to choose Alliance for PvP because the human racial ability.

    My advice is to do everything you can to make yourself better at PvP-- get better gear and learn to play your class really well-- then get in with Devastation in their premades. Either that or start your own group. You can form a premade of fairly decent-ish players on global chat if you try.

  3. agree i am on ally , and i always win bg. only devastation can win sometimes vs us :D

  4. I was wondering why all the good players are on alliance side. No good guild are on horde side. They cant win any battleground, only with devastation premades sometimes....
    If you are in Devastation and do premades you don't win "sometimes" - you win the vast majority of the time. At least I do. Anyone who doesn't is probably really bad and dragging the premade down.

    Devastation easily beat ReluctancE in rated battlegrounds recently, and that's the main ally guild doing a lot of premade bgs these days. So saying that Devastation isn't effective at bgs just isn't true. We've had some good bgers transfer from ally recently, so we're stronger than ever.

    But if Devastation isn't your thing then Myriad, formerly known as Hysteria, is available (if they let you in). They probably have the best bgers of any faction on Frostwolf, but their numbers aren't very large so it will be harder to find a premade with that guild than with Devastation.
    Edited: July 22, 2017

  5. If you are not human, then you are not a "top gladiator" on WoW. :D 90% of the Alliance on BG is humans. And you still want pvp balance?

    I myself play for the Horde. More precisely, I do not play anymore because of the lack of normal players and constant losses on BG. Only with Devastation can you win BG.

  6. I wouldn't recommend playing with that toxic Devastation guild tbh. However you could try joining Myriad, much better players. (even though I hate most of them lol)

  7. The way things are right now really aren't benefiting anyone. I have toons on both horde and alliance and it's not really fun playing as either side. If you're horde you will just join a team full of afkers and mindless bots and if you're alliance you must wait in very long queues just to steamroll an enemy team that isn't even trying.

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