1. recover account

    Hello!.I need my molten-wow server account can i take my account
    1. account name:____ email:[email protected]
    2. account name:____ email:[email protected] but this email has been deleted
    please give me my accounts -_-

  2. Hi there, please don't post account names or emails. As for account itself you have to make email to [email protected] and there you should describe your issue as detailed as you can.

  3. Hi there, please don't post account names or emails. As for account itself you have to make email to [email protected] and there you should describe your issue as detailed as you can.
    but the problem is. the email has been deleted? is there any other way?

  4. but the problem is. the email has been deleted? is there any other way?
    You can send the email from any other email.

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