1. Have Warmane ever thought about Vanilla?

    I know that their burning crusade server was just released, but I think Warmane could make a very successful Vanilla server. Most people hate leveling on Vanilla and Warmane always does a leveling boost to the main server that players play on. I think if they did Vanilla on a 5x it would be as or more popular than ***** and that could be the next thing that Warmane could benefit from.

  2. Im not sure if many ppl would like to play vanilla.
    The Xpac might be too old to be entertaining and the classes were very unbalanced as far as i remember.

    In addition there is already a well known Vanilla server so Warmane would have lots of competition on that xpac.

  3. to me this is a no brainer for the future, the nost core is public so its not going to need miles of work and there isnt any decent x5+ vanilla servers out there. They may do it one day you never know :)

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