1. Question on Spirit Tap When Multiboxng Priests

    I'm interested in getting into Multiboxng. I'll probably start slowly, with a couple shammies on Icecrown, and gradually expand into at least a 5-man group for running dungeons. Raids would eventually be fantastic, but that's not the topic at hand.

    While leveling, say I have a group of 5 priests, each with 100% chance to gain Spirit Tap upon a kill. But from what I've read, they have to land the killing blow to get the buff.

    If all 5 characters have the same spell on a macro, and they all cast it simultaneously, and the mob dies...who gets the buff?

    Does the game calculate, down to the smallest degree of latency, who casted first, and they get the buff by themselves? Or, if it's really a 5-way tie, do all 5 characters get the buff? (Or do none of them get it?)

    I know that mobs will die fast using any 5-man group, so it's not a hassle either way. But I ask out of curiosity, and technically, the regular acquisition of the buff would further speed up the leveling process.

    And for that matter, are any other process based on killing blows handled the same way?

  2. You are correct in assuming that only 1 character (the one credited with the killing blow) will receive the buff. While it may seem like everything is happening at once, due to latency, both network and the latency in repeating key broadcasts to each client, the damage and kb will be calculated based on the stack order (order server processes it).

    Once you get Shadow Word: Death, you can use a round robin setup on it to try to spread the buff around as you're chain killing mobs. Up until then, you may want to round robin another ability so that you can fire it when you know you're close enough that damage from 1 toon finish it off.

  3. good question really.

    i got an idea about it but im not not sure, never tryed it myself.

    my guess would be this, it all depends on wich group are you - party or raid, while killing mobs, it matters as while you are in raid, i think all 5 members get that killing blow no matter who actually lands last hit, as for raid groups, it matters there and it doesint matter that all 5 players will land last hit hit the game will decide who truly was 1st to hit that last hit.

    im am truly not sure, but that would be my rough guess.

  4. They will not share the buff, only one character will get it.

    The talent is still worth taking to get the imrpvoed version since it gives you lots of extra mana regeneration when your mind flay, mind blast and shadow word: death crit. 83% mana regen whilst casting + 10% more spirit.

    With meditation talent from the discipline tree you will have 100% mana regen whilst casting most of the time.

  5. In case u are planning to multibox in TBC, vampiric touch stacks there so it can give ur party some insane mana regeneration.
    Only problem is that the mobs usually die so fast that u can't really make use out of it.

  6. As someone that boxes priests on Icecrown, I can honestly say that this is negated in the big picture. If spamming DP, it doesn't matter much... and matters even less when you add more priests for faster kills. So if you are pvping. then and you kill a few players then, in theory, you can gain this buff a few times, you will rarely have it on all, but it doesn't matter. ( and this becomes even less an issue as you increase beyond 5... I feel 10 is a good amount. )

    A priest has so many mana regen abilities it's pretty easy to make sure you keep a decent amount of mana to damage with and then this is even less an issue.

    The only time I run into mana issues PvPing, is when I have a constant barrage of players attacking, and i don't have time to regen sufficiently. Otherwise I maintain my mana just fine.

    As for PvE, this isn't an issue at all, given you have a small regen period, and you manage your cool downs properly. ie.... shadow fiend, and dispersion, in addition you can always use the item bar in Jamba, with potions. if you have major mana issues, as a additional contribution.
    Edited: July 28, 2017

  7. Even though some things seem to be happening simultaneously, that is never the case. A computer will just switch from processing one task to another so fast that it seems to a human observer like things are happening at the same time. So no matter what you do and what your latency is, one character will land the landing blow first and will get the buff.

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