there was never suppose to be rewards for 2s its stupid bracket with little to no skill required and,this apply for TBC as well,most of the time its about counter classes are suppose to be OP at first thats what make people reroll from their mains to the new class.this is not just in WOW Its in every MMORPG out there.and almost always they nerf them later on.
as for warriors yes early on they are trash same as in TBC they need gear to get strong,but they scale the most with gear its exactly the same in WOTLK and TBC and in CATA as well.MOP was the first expansion the warrior was good at the start mainly because of the ******ed taste of blood.

dfak are you talking about ofc every class have at least 1 pvp spec,its like that in every single expansion in WOW.actually your specs are way more limited in TBC then any other expansion so thats a minus not a plus.

having new class have nothing to do with how the PVP works in can remove the new classes from the game,on any expansion, and there will be no impact on the PVP at all.its not like they design the PVP in WOTLK specifically around DKs.having less classes/specs mean the game have less variety and PVP gets boring faster.its not like you have the time of my life queueing vs rogue/priest or war/druid in 9 of 10 games in TBC

you can use this words for every expansion.TBC is fun to play and good expansion i love it as well but is far from balance and some classes dominate in PVP. Warglaive rogues in TBC are just as strong as shadowmoure warriors in WOTLK.
how do you know there was never supposed to be rewards for 2's?best i can remember 2's since day 1 gave rewards that is until the crap fest that started in wrath "where more then just pvp starting going downhill".

"new classes are suppose to be OP"
100% totally disagree and that statement even though i disagree with it would prove my point 100% correct.less classes/specs in game means better balance = easier to balance skills/talents. dk's were new in wrath and op'ed as hell right?your saying they ere supposed to that way,fine. but how does having dk's being so op'ed make for better pvp balance?according to your statement "new classes are suppose to be OP" its makes balance worse = worse over all pvp.

"warriors yes early on they are trash same as in TBC they need gear to get strong"
im sorry about that statement is only half correct - warriors USE to scale better then any other class but come warth/cata rage along with hit points and the like was normalized = warriors scaled the same as everyone else. please do not compare warriors in s1 to warriors is s5, in S5 the class and arm spec was broken thats why warriors went fury well the ones that did nor re roll dk or pally. mater of fact arms was so broken that the devs had to change the spec,actully rework the spec,something they usually only do in between x-pacs.again the mear fact that dks were so op's and pallys was a close 2nd proves = wrath did not have the best pvp,not even close.

what am i talking about?im talking about classes in tbc had atleast 1 "if not 2" specs that could pvp with at high ratings,that can not be said for wrath. things were broken in wrath. no more specs in pvp does not make for better pvp its the opposite.

"ou can use this words for every expansion.TBC is fun to play and good expansion i love it as well but is far from balance and some classes dominate in PVP. Warglaive rogues in TBC are just as strong as shadowmoure warriors in WOTLK"

this makes me think you just pick your fav x-pac and roll with it. look if you think warglaive rouge were as bad as dk's or ret's in wrtah then your crazy. shadowmoure warriors you say?what about shadowmoure dk's and rets?both shadowmoure dk's and rets would eat a shadowmoure warrior alive in wrath.i know i know its not about 1vs1 or the FACT warriors had to stack pve gear with arp just to try and keep up damage wise with other classes. remember when dks could play like a mage and kill melee with ranged attacks/dots? lol great pvp.rets just unloaded with what a 2 button rotation, can heal, and put out just as much dps as a war = lol.

again wrath is were most of the problems started in wow,