1. Some guy is reporting me for something i didn't do.

    So im not going to name any names, but some guy claims that i scammed him (wich i did not), and he says he is opening a gm ticket and they're going to ban me, even though i dont not scam him

    What should i do? I'm concerned that im going to get banned and thats why i'm checking the forums to be sure

  2. GM will check the proofs, and if you did not do anything illegal, then you have nothing to worry about :)

  3. Prepare to get banned then i once had the same problem. someone reported me for something i did not do , hacking in bg or something else.. but i did not use any hacks... but i still got a 7 day ban... so enjoy your holyday xD

  4. He is reporting me for "scam", If this happens, how long do you think the ban will be?

  5. 7 Probably, but idk the chance is low that you will get banned. i just got some bad luck that i got banned blindly no checks nothing

  6. Aight, thanks you two for aswering my questions, Lets hope i don't get banned!

  7. You're lucky you didn't come across those who report you by using blackmailing.
    These people will hold you by the neck, when they need something because they got prove of you cheating or supposedly cheating, they can exploit you until they feel like reporting you to warmane.

    I know several people who are like this, mainly those who can face permanent banishment, just don't become victim to people like this.

    Just a heads up.

  8. Imo false reports should be dealt with 3 days suspensions to teach them a lesson.

  9. Imo false reports should be dealt with 3 days suspensions to teach them a lesson.
    Yeah man, Blackmailing on Frostwolf is indeed a problem to some, those forced into gold/item extortion.

    I know a guy who will be perma-banned if he screws up again. He is currently a slave to some unknown player who can easily release old screens and videos of said victim to get him banned for good. Not cool.

  10. Generating false proof is actually quite easy as i have been banned myself with, very efficient method which i rather not mention. I never appealed tho, u just can't defy such evidence. If someone really hates ur guts and is smart enough, he can easily take you down, good thing this server has light punishment compared to others where u get perma bans regardless if ure guilty or not. Population might have a role here as well, because i heard that wotlk has harder times than mop with punishment levels.
    Edited: August 8, 2017

  11. this thread makes me laugh so much xD

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