1. Letting pass through Confirmed Bugged Quests


    My suggestion is rather simple. When a quest is reported on the bugtracker and confirmed, and if the bug make the quest completely unachievable, allow players to autocomplete it. For the sake of balance, no experience, nor gold should be awarded for this bugged quest while it is being worked on by the development team.

    This could help players working for the Loremaster title, as they could get the credit for the quest, but i was thinking about something else. Let's think about a sequence of 5 quests given by some NPC, and let's imagine that the first quest given is infeasible, and that the fourth quest is somehow bugged too. First, this quest n°1 infeasible makes three perfectly scripted quests infeasible, and besides, quest n°4 will not even be reported until quest n°1 is fixed, because nobody can obtain it to test it and report it.

    By allowing these quests to autocomplete with no reward, the quest debugging would be accelerated with no impact or possible abuse from players who would use these quests as a boost to speed up their leveling for no effort.

  2. I like the idea. There were multiple times where i had to go around the web for hours to find more quests just to get my questing achievements because some were bugged and there were alternatives but which were wayy out of the normal quest chains.
    Or atleast don't let the Confirmed bugs go unnoticed and not fixed for more than 3 months.
    Edited: January 11, 2018

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