1. Which equipment will you be able to buy the 20th?

    Hey, I've been looking for a answare for this question in the forum buy I can't really find a good one.

    I am looking to buy a Hpala for coins but since you will be able to donate for even more items the 20th of August I don't really want to risk buying a char I can outgear for Coins.

    So is there any list of items or smth ???

  2. Ehm.. what are you talking about?
    Who said there would be New items ?
    Maybe glad gear if any gear.

  3. Hardy doubt any new items will be available

  4. would be awesome to get an answer from a staff member or a game master!

  5. would be awesome to get an answer from a staff member or a game master!
    You won't. They haven't answered this in the past, they won't now. There is a chance that during early/mid S2, you'll see S1 pieces on the store. That's my own personal opinion based on what they've previously allowed players to get based on average item-spread in the population.

  6. They never said new gear would be available the 20th

  7. Let me correct what I thoguht u'd get. I meant that S2 will release the 20th of august right? So they will prolly release more items to the store.
    Since no1 really know what they eventually release I would want to know what you could buy on Ice Crown thwn e T8/S6 Was released.

  8. Let me correct what I thoguht u'd get. I meant that S2 will release the 20th of august right? So they will prolly release more items to the store.
    Since no1 really know what they eventually release I would want to know what you could buy on Ice Crown thwn e T8/S6 Was released.
    Its possible. Would make sense. The 20th isn't far so we will know for sure in 9days
    Edited: August 11, 2017

  9. Where did you get that date from?

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