Ever since transmog was applied to the server many players have searched for awesome, cool looking, menacing and unique sets to transmog their characters to. yet there is something missing: the weapons.

many players (me included) have searched for a "fire" "water" "shadow" "light", etc, etc glow for their tmogs, and due to the rarity, the high prices or just the lack of a decent choice we had to give up.

or even worse, sometimes we just LOVE some weapon design.. but the glow, the effect particles around it just does not fit the transmog we want, so we have to give up on it as well.

well, since Legion release, there has been a new transmog idea: The Illusions.

illusions are quite simple yet a great way to solve the mentioned problem. they take the effect particles of certain enchants or weapons and put that particle effects in another weapon, thus making it "glow" as it if was enchanted with such enchant.

there is an explanation on this wowhead thread: http://www.wowhead.com/weapon-illusions-guide

considering transmog for wotlk is already a "non retail" feature. would it be possible to apply this kind of transmog as well? i know it would take quite some work and that it might not be available in the near future, but i believe most players who transmog their sets would love to see this into wotlk.