1. Is it worth a new player starting Icecrown?

    I'm sitting around ~20 and running into a few worrying opinions. I keep hearing about how the server is "too far progrssed" or "pay to win". Is it actually worth joining endgame content, as a new player? Or am I just going to get dicked over by vastly overgeared players and elitist dickheads?

  2. It is perfectly fine, Icecrown is almost as far progressed as Lordaeron and you can get every best in slot item ingame without donating on Icecrown. TBH Lordaeron is more populated with "elitist dickheads" anyways.

  3. It is all up to you.
    If you are capable, can work in team and commit to few raids per week in your guild - you will gear up and progress in no time.
    I suggest donate some bit to skip que(this will be huge plus to log on time for raids) and open option to sell gold. You can boost gear progression faster and even get SM for coins.

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