1. Moroes mechanics?

    Could someone with more experience clarify moroes mechanics considering blind and couge. It feels like Moroes sometimes doesn't gouge at all, and sometimes he spams it from the first second. Sometimes he couges like 1-2 times only and that means offtank has a really tough time at keeping 2nd on aggro.
    Blind hits the main tank more than not, even though last fix notes says he will blind nearest player that is not his current target. Could someone confirm how they should work and how they actually work atm?
    Edited: August 21, 2017

  2. Hey,

    So Moroes will Gouge, Blind, and of course Vanish/Garrote random target.

    Gouge works like you said, he will typically gouge his target, who is the tank, and then run to 2nd aggro until the gouge has worn off. OT will need to be 2nd on threat in order to pick up Moroes after the gouge.

    Blind is a poison, and you should have your druid (if you have one) always keeping poison cleanse (10 second ticking cleanse) on the main tank. If you don't have a druid, use poison cleanse totem from a shaman. Pallies can also remove poison, but will need to be very fast since it's not preemptive like the other 2 forms of poison removal. This will prevent blind from being an issue.

    If your tanks get garrote, leave it on them, do not remove with BOP or stoneform. This bleed will knock them out of gouge and blind.

    If you can keep the adds under control, this fight is relatively easy. Shackles are the best if you have them, hunters can chain trap.

    I'm a healer, so I may be a little off on some of this tanking information but I think this should help.

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