1. Add option to disable PvP (at least for lower levels)

    Just title, there is nothing more frustrating that having multiple level 80s killing you and camping on your corpse waiting for you spawn and kill you again when your a level 40 or anything below them.

    Of course someone will respond "Well why did you join a PvP server" because there are no other options. All the other WoTLK private servers are either dead or non-blizz like.

    I understand why people like PvP realms but as a level 60 fighting against 3 level 80s camping me, after calling in general and local defence for help and nothing happens, what am I meant to do?

    Please just add an option somewhere that will disable PvP for players who choose not to just get killed by level 80 Blood elfs (it's always a damn blood elf) and just want to play the game.


  2. Although I play on the other side, I would agree to your proposal, but it is always a freaky Nightelf to kill a lowie riding.

  3. I hate killing low levels. Sometimes I actually stop and help them kill some mobs around for their quests. This option would be really nice!

  4. been asked for 1000 times before. they have 0 interest in allowing you to disable pvp on a pvp server.

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