1. Is Multiboxing worth the effort?

    I have always been envious of the people running around with their 5 shamans and such. Even way back in vanilla but i wasnt going to pay 5 sub fees hehe. Now the accounts are free. However reading up on how to do it it really seems like a hassle to get started.

    A confusing program, multiple email accounts that need setting up, and some other addon?

    Maybe what i have heard is wrong? because it all seems so fun except getting those things set up. If it was easy i guess everyone would do it?

  2. Multiboxing, is like a whole other game itself. You don't just start playing a new game, and instantly be good at it. You have to learn to multibox, get used to the keys and eventually it will come naturally and easy to do.

    It may seem strange and complicated when it's you first time, but as you practice and level your first team, you will learn. There are also plenty of tutorials on YouTube to help you out and get you started.

    Besides, if you discover that you don't like it or it's not worth the effort, you can always just stop.

    If you decide to give it a go, I suggest trying with a program known as "ISBoxer".

    I also recommend checking out a YouTuber known as Multiboxology. He as a nice 7 part video series showing new multiboxers exactly how they can get started. It's great if you have 0 knowledge and experience of multiboxing.

    You can find the playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...QW09Av4yPDNXiU
    Edited: August 28, 2017

  3. I have always been envious of the people running around with their 5 shamans and such. Even way back in vanilla but i wasnt going to pay 5 sub fees hehe. Now the accounts are free. However reading up on how to do it it really seems like a hassle to get started.

    A confusing program, multiple email accounts that need setting up, and some other addon?

    Maybe what i have heard is wrong? because it all seems so fun except getting those things set up. If it was easy i guess everyone would do it?
    It really depends on the level of multiboxing you want to get to.

    You can spend 50 hours learning and 100 hours gearing to make somewhat playable 5 box, waste 70% of your GCDs and bully everybody 5v1, but have trouble beating people 5v3 and waste spots in BGs. This is what I see 90% of multiboxers on warmane do which is kinda sad.

    Or you can spend hundreds or thousands of hours trying to perfect your setup to perform better than 5 man premade team. This means hundreds of hours of theorycrafting and setting things up for every sitation. And I feel like 90% new multiboxers dont do this. They make their team, and use 4 buttons to dps 2 to heal, dont even have a single round robin for groundings etc. and everytime they get into bad situation they turn into 5 standing target dummies.

    You lose the opportunity of competitive arenas and raiding. Its not about pvp or pve but mostly about setting things up.
    Whole another level of playing opens up.

    When i multibox I want to play 5 characters better than 99% of the players.
    For me Multiboxing is more about the challenge of settings/theorycrafting things up to perfection and not about running around with 5 shamans.

  4. as tiny said, multiboxing requires alot of dedication and patience, alot of thinking as preperation is like more than half work, you need to be prepared for everything you might face to be able to counter it. not to mention, multiboxing is like playing 11th class, it requires skill aswell, no less than playing 1 class thats for sure.

    the reason why 99% shy away from multiboxing is that even tho you need skill to play it like everything else in wow, but you have to put insane amount of effort be4 you can do something, unlike playing 1 character.

  5. If u want to check out multiboxing I recommend to start with 4-5 ele shamis on blackrock, the instant 80 PvP realm.
    Ele shamis are comparable easy to set up. Run some BGs and then u can reconsider if multiboxing is ur thing.
    When it comes to the actual gameplay in PvP it helped me to watch the multiboxer Kruschpak doing 5s Arena:
    Edited: August 28, 2017

  6. >Roll 5 shamans
    >Play bg
    >Laugh at the enemy
    >Defile their bodies
    >Go AFK after bg for 2mins while the alts of those you have killed spam you with hate messages
    Rinse and repeat.

    For real it doesn't take that much effort to get started. Make the 5 email accounts and then procure ISBoxer, it's the best tool available.

    Play 5 of the same class if you want an easy (shamans) start. Blackrock like Jakkre said is good since it's instant 80. Watch those videos by Multiboxology on youtube for basic information. ISBoxer is very well documented on their wiki page.

    When it comes to addons most of them can simply be copy and pasted in order to reduce the amount of configuration you do. Whatever set up you have normally can be copied easily. Go into the WTF folder and you will find all the files that your addons use for configuration. Just copy them for each account and for each character on those accounts. There are some addons which you may have to load their profiles in-game, but that's pretty easy.

    If you have questions about anything post them in here.
    Edited: August 29, 2017

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