1. Getting GS to RDF HC - Tanking (HELP!)

    I'm full blues right now and struggling to push past 3k GS in order to be able to tank RDF HC. Does anyone have a gear guide to qualify for RDF HC?


  2. Focus on boosting your weakest gear slots.

    Libram: http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=38363 You can get this from doing daily quests in Grizzly Hills (Venture Co. quests at the south end of the river).

    Trinkets: Both of your trinkets are awful, and one of them is extremely low item-level. There are a lot of options for you here.
    http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=43829 Icecrown quest ( https://www.wowhead.com/quest=13039 ) for raw item-level, and the stats aren't tooooo bad. This would probably be your best option for a quick boost in this slot.

    Weapon: I don't know if the game is scripted to read the item-level of heirloom weapons properly, but you should try to replace yours ASAP.
    https://www.wowhead.com/item=44311 You can probably get one of these off the AH really cheap.
    https://www.wowhead.com/item=44187 You could also grab this, since you already have the reputation for it.

    Bracers: http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=37891 Check for these on the AH. There should be some for cheap.
    http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=40734 More expensive option that are purchased via emblems, but they are BoE - so you can buy them off someone.
    http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=41354 Another cheap option off the AH. You can also make them yourself, since you are a Blacksmith.

    I know a lot of items do not have optimal stats for tanking, but so long as you stay at or near the defense cap, you should be OK until you have access to more gear choices.

  3. Thanks a lot Mercy, this is exactly the sort of resource I was looking for.

  4. Farm toc 5 norm and hc, youll be fine

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