1. New and have a couple of questions

    Hi everyone:

    I'm just starting on Warmane after a long break from retail WoW (never did Legion and only played a small amount of WoD).

    First thing first, I will most likely have toons on both Horse and Alliance, but since it seems like PvP is currently in favour of Alliance, I will be starting off there. Also, while I probably won't write it in the questions themselves, they apply to both levelling and end-game (where applicable).

    Note: I haven't decided between Ice Crown and Lordaeron, but leaning towards Lordaeron due to it being closer to the retail experience. Plus, I will admit, not a fan of the "pay to win" aspect of Ice Crown.

    My first question is, are you able to send stuff to alts on opposing factions? I know this wasn't available in retail and my hopes are low, but just curious.

    Second question, how are Resto Druids here? My favourite time was in WotLK (right before Cata came out and changed everything) levelling a druid and doing some PvP end game. Resto Druids where almost unstoppable.

    Third question, is there any preference for healers? I've read that there are quite a few Holy Paladins, so will probably stay away from that for the time being. What about the others?

    Fourth question, are there any current class that is better for tanking? I've read that there are a lot of DK's out there right now, also a lot a Warriors but there was a mention of Warriors not working properly, does anyone know what this is in reference to? Besides that, are Druids a viable tank?

    Quick note: while I know that for creating a character I should just go with whatever I feel like playing, I'm fairly comfortable (although may not be good with) most classes. I'm mostly asking out of curiosity as to how the classes stack against each other.

    I think that is all of the questions I wasn't able to find answers for in the forums already. The forums are quite expansive and I may have just missed the answers to these, so I apologize if they have been answered before.

    Thank you for your time,
    Edited: September 1, 2017

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