1. as people have said its at the point where any thing that can be farmed is being farmed by an army of bots and the average player cant keep up with this, on top of that the average player can not earn enough gold when it takes them an hour to farm something that is selling for single diget gold just because bots farmed it and flooded the market with it. almost any gathering profession is pointless to take at the moment because an army of bots are at the nodes/mobs. i see many times 20+ accounts being banned for botting, but if you just took the time, say 10 min, to go to zangar, or WPL/EPL you could get rid of that many in one swoop and save users the time of frapsing it, and save gms the time of reading ticket upon ticket about itt. it is blatantly obvious to many of us that they are bots, bots are nothing new, if you have played any mmo it should be easy for you to spot one as many have said here. please nip this in the butt, i have not seen a bot problem on this scale in longer then i can remember.

  2. Moderators .. give advice to devs to decrease experience rates to 1x for everyone by now .. It sounds weird but every single person will prise their characters more than before :) Server will completely remove bots, or they catch up them in early phase, leveling through 30lvl locations, beucase it will be slow :)

  3. Moderators .. give advice to devs to decrease experience rates to 1x for everyone by now .. It sounds weird but every single person will prise their characters more than before :) Server will completely remove bots, or they catch up them in early phase, leveling through 30lvl locations, beucase it will be slow :)
    This is regretably not true. The bots level in the desolate zones that few travels/levels in.

    No the solution to this blasted problem is to have GMs take a ride on the flying carpet and fly over each zone.

  4. I have given up herbalism, and because of that, my alchemy as well, as I can't progress until this issue is fixed, atleast to some extent. Bots are having a field day with any gathering profession on Outland at this point. Ran trough Felwood, Tanaris, Feralas and Hinterlands, and the zones are stripped. Just looking on the armory is a dead giveaway as to who are bots or not. Only BoE gear with either skinning, herbalism or mining, or any combination of the three is evidence of blatant botting. Warmane staff have to find a better solution STAT, as this has gone way too far already.

  5. I know what we as community can do against that bot problem. We make our own bots and their only purpose is to kill the farm bots. We gonna park the anti bot bots in the most common bot zones and let them kill any farm bot that is passing by.
    Building a shield of anti bot bots gonna take less time than waiting for a GM to show up in one of the farm bot areas.

  6. @Jakkre, you've just told us super idea, mate! Gonna download botting software right now to create ani-botting bots!

  7. @Jakkre This is really the best idea so far!

    Please if you find clean and free botting software share it here or send me PM.
    I'm sick to my stomach of GMs doing nothing. **** it all.

    Everyone reading this thread I've been watching 3 BOTS grind every day, every hour during the last week just feet away from Area 52 in Netherstorm and I have reported them and have seen no change. I almost remembered their names because they are there all the time if you wanna see for yourselves -
    something like:
    horde druids: Adminiwe , Kiikuu, Erzhubs
    ally druid: Despiseni (or smt like that)
    Edited: September 16, 2017

  8. The issue i see is the following.
    The time it takes for the GMs to check bot report tickets is kinda long, sometimes its 4-5 days. Guess what are the bots doing meanwhile.
    If you dont have the manpower to deal with the amount of tickets, think of another way for us to report bots, or get few more GMs and put em on ticket reading duty or something.
    I've also created a series on youtube called "Botmane police" uploading new episode almost every day. You can check it out for new reports if you wish.


  9. As for me, Botmane sounds and fits much better.

  10. Anyone know how's situation on Medvih, also destroyed by bots?
    low populated private servers have no value for the botters cause there is no demand for mats.

    Servers like Icecrown, Outland, Elysium are where the money is at so there is where the botters are

  11. Warmane should really start to think to forbid mboxing...

  12. Continued to slay bots in the Lagoon and netherstorm today, was whispered again and asked to stop. I told them to **** off and I will continue to slay and camp bots when I find them.

  13. First I though that these bots only farm gold to earn coins with it.
    Now, after further investigations, I come to the conclusion that they do it for money.
    There are websites out there that sell Warmane gold for money and it seems like the gold is delivered by these bots.
    The sheer number of bots that I see everywhere in the entire world makes me think that this must be somebody professional.
    Btw, all the bots are feral druides. I assume thats the most efficient class for botting.

  14. Hah. Two days ago I did a video submission of all those bots in Blades Edge! My ticket got answered yesterday so hopefully, they're gone now.
    Lately, I've been recording every bot I see. I will continue to make tickets but I wish I could just squash them faster!

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