1. AFK reporting in BGs

    I've been kicked from several BGs by being reported as AFK when I was actively playing. There's no conversation in battleground chat, which leads me to think it's guilds/premade groups doing this. Is there any recourse? The 15 minute bans are really annoying

  2. Even if you get reported in error you get a debuff. You can get rid of it be getting in combat. If you get it while on Defense... leave the base undefended and get in combat fast. =)

  3. I don't get a debuff while in a BG, I just immediately get kicked. The debuff I get prevents me from queueing again for 15 minutes. There's no recourse from my end. If a group of players decides to troll by reporting, there's no mechanism in place for me to prove otherwise. I don't even get the name of my accusers, at least then I could throw a whisper if it was an honest mistake on their end.

  4. That doesnt sound right, I could be wrong.

  5. I don't get a debuff while in a BG, I just immediately get kicked. The debuff I get prevents me from queueing again for 15 minutes. There's no recourse from my end. If a group of players decides to troll by reporting, there's no mechanism in place for me to prove otherwise. I don't even get the name of my accusers, at least then I could throw a whisper if it was an honest mistake on their end.
    as the other poster said you get a debuff to remove it you get in combat or you get booted after so many minutes.

    afking in bgs are a huge problem on outland so if your getting marked afk in bgs i going to guess you really are afk. if not tell us what your doing and where you are when you get marked? what class and what spec do you play?

  6. yea, when more than 3 players report you afk, you will get a reminder negative debuff for 1min, within this 1min, if you enter a combat, the debuff will disappear automatically, if you didn't enter a combat within 1min, you get another debuff which last for 1min as well, this debuff make you can't gain any honor, if you didnt enter a combat within this min, you will get kick immediately.
    ofc, if you enter a combat, the debuff will disappear.

  7. I was playing on defense in AV trying to bait horde into the boss room and suddenly got removed from the bg. I was actively moving around. It makes no sense

  8. do you know how many people i see afking in the boss's room?i see players "horde side" go straight into the boss's room at the start and never leave it, no damage or healing done.

    sounds like your were "afking" aka getting a free ride from what you just said,not trying to be a dick but if your in the boss's room that long doing nothing other then trying to "bait" ally i would say yes your afking. you can move around as much as you want but to not get mark afk you have to PLAY do damage or heal.

    tell you what one your never going to stop a raid full of ally from kill boss solo 2nd if you really want to defend how about sitting in towers and stopping ally from capping them?thats real defending sittin gin boss 's room playing grab *** does nothing. stop/stall them capping towers = stall them from killing boss.

    sitting in boss's room the entire bg waiting for ally to burn every tower then hit boss is afking, allys only at the boss at the end of the bg so ask yourself what you did the other 3/4 of the game?sit in boss's room?= afk.
    Edited: October 3, 2017

  9. You don't play many bg's eh. Defense is important.

  10. You don't play many bg's eh. Defense is important.
    defense is important as in defending and recapping towers/bunkers and thats 100% the opposite of what you said you were doing in drecks room.
    "I was playing on defense in AV trying to bait horde into the boss room"
    that is not defense go and defend towers/bunkers instead, you making a thread about you being marked afk is all the proof i need.

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