1. Global channel spams

    icecrown global channel really bad u can not see any thing same time 15 20 ppl link new guild bla bla bla wts bis ele shammy wtb shadowmourne warrior they are spamming between 1 second just bring new rule or auto mute for that spams atleat send second message 10 sec or 15 sec

  2. Anti-spam hits you if you send 3 (or is it 2? idk) messages within 15 seconds if I'm correct. People just hit the sweet spot with the spam and it's infinite. And the problem isn't that some guy is selling something, it's tons of people selling tons of stuff, looking for groups for dungeons, raids, quests even and whatever the hell not.

    I don't see what's wrong with that. Just like a public square where everyone is saying their thing. Resize the window while you're looking for something, then shrink it back when you find what you wanted. Move it to new tab not to watch it all the time and that's it.

  3. There's a thing under base of the game called, uhmm lemme remember, ah, yes! THE MAGIC RAID FINDER!
    If RF would be used, that would make global chat much more cleaner.
    Selling stuff like characters, items, etc. should be on trade and it is mostly. My tip is to make 3 different chat windows, one for normal chat like bgs, raids, party, world chat. Second for trade, and third for global. So if you want to find a raid, just click on global chat and do your thing.
    As grobain161 said. "Anti-spam hits you if you send 3 (or is it 2? idk) messages within 15 seconds if I'm correct." If I was Warmane, I would put 2 messages on 30, higher than hat, mute on 2 minutes. And reduce the world chat, like, random position on world, I hang out with my friends, we chat and I get muted. 'cause I said 3 sentences in a short time, like WHAT? imo, you should REMOVE, is rly annoying and I never heard anyone had a rant on it.

  4. Theres reason why /Ignore mechanic was introduced

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