1. Coin minimum limit to sell characters is absurd

    Honestly wtf are you doing? Havent you noticed that the trade site is grasping for air, it is completly dead. Why is that?
    It is because of the absurd high minimuim limit to sell a char.
    I understand that removing the minimum limit would open up a market for laundering coins so therefor Im not saying "remove it"
    Im saying lower the minimum price allowed for godsake. Perhaps 20-30% would be enought to get the trade site moving again.
    That woul contribute to a bigger spin on trade which means more coins more coins for fee and in the end more you sell more coins and earn more money.
    Please do it, really just do it, now.

  2. they've said no 100 times. it's slightly cheaper to buy a geared character than it would be to boost that char to max level and buy the gear with coins, and that's how they want it.

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