1. Melee damage on this server

    Hello everyone!
    I wanted to start a normal discussion about melee dmg on Outland server.
    For the record, i want to state that I'm druid resto with 352 resilience, spinning around 1800-1900 rating in 2s bracket. However, I feel melee damage, specially rogue dmg is just way increased. Rogues on this server more than on any other server use the tactic that is: Blind you, if you trinket, they just kill you in cs-kidney, or if they dont kill you, you end up on 20% with x5 wound poisons.
    Warrior's aswell, charge with Lolherald, and you are on 50%..


  2. You haven't met good geared enhacement with 2Hand yet, man .. But I agree .. its not that rogues damage is way too high .. its because every single rogue dont have even KZ prequest completed and wearing Spiteblade .. thats it ..
    Edited: September 22, 2017

  3. It's not so much about Spiteblade, there are s2 wpns with no rating required available, but on every other previous server i've played, its like "if druid has 3 lifeblooms, abolish and Rejuvenation" thats what we call "pre-hotted druid" = hard to kill. But on this server, no matter what hots i have, rogue just rapes me thru the hots.....
    In s1 i told myself, "ok its s1, low health pools, etc" but now i have 352 resil, 9200hp in normal form, and its just ridicilous how rogues crush me.

  4. Damage on abilities and such use blizzard formulas.. there's no increased damage or any sort of bull****. You just need to play better and stop complaining

  5. What rating you are mate? I've talked with people that are on 2100-2200 rating, even i talked with a Gladiator druid, and he confirmed that damage is ****ed up. Wotlk Core used for TBC? I'm sure its not regular TBC core.

  6. Might be the gear. We have s2 gear on the latest tbc patch.
    Maybe in s4 gear things gonna be more balanced. At least thats what I hope. Its also possible that the opposite gonna be the case and rogs are even more OP in s4 gear with everybody running around with warglaives.

  7. I have a rogue in decent gear with a spiteblade and i can assure you that theres nothing wrong with rogue dmg. To be honest it always seemed low to me but i just attribute that to bias. Rogues are just a pain in the *** to play against and a good one makes you question **** like this lol.

  8. I know the thread is about melee damage but lets be real here, since we are talking about ******ed damage here, I think mages in the current gear levels at least deserve a special mention too. Herald warrior damage is absolutely absurd too. Sure, geared rogues with double mongoose procs and lucky crits can do insane dmg too but for mages and warriors its just everyday life.

  9. It will get better in S3 and in S4 warriors, enhancement shamans and retridins will be almost useless unless teamed with a healer. The extra health, healing and spell haste will change everything. I think you will notice a dramatic change with just full S2.

    I would worry more about S3/S4 when spell haste and ARP comes into play along with glaives - that will be fun.

  10. It's because when S2 had JUST started, we already saw tons of rogues in SSC/TK gear. Then S2 weapons had no requirements and could be bought the first day of the season. So you ended up with rogues literally raping everyone, spamming hemo like 1500 rated ******s.

    Combine that with the insane proc rate of frostbite, allowing mages to spam lance rather than EVER having to cast, on overall low resilience (~300 average S2 start with good gear) and you have 2 classes doing about 30-40% more damage than they should.

    Plus, y'know, let's not forget that with the BT patch (2.1) gear received an overall and melee gear was severly buffed.

  11. It will get better in S3 and in S4 warriors, enhancement shamans and retridins will be almost useless unless teamed with a healer.
    How is this a good thing? Not like rets and Enhance are currently OP.

    And doesn't spell haste make Fmage even more OP? I mean, no other class benefits as much from haste like a Fmage.

  12. try playing a rogue or war vs a properly geared ret/prot pala

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