1. Starting out on this realm

    I've decided to roll on this realm, I'm open for suggestion as to which faction I will join but I want to play a Rogue and mainly PvP. Which faction has the best/fastest queues? Also would anyone be able to help me out with the initial leveling process? Would help me out a lot, considering I will be seriously gimped with low lvl gear and not enough gold for skills etc :(

  2. Rogue and mainly PvP.
    Horde - Undead.

    You can level as Assa which has a free Eviscerate/Ambush crit every several minutes, Combat which is generally the best and easiest option for leveling, or Sub Hemorrhage which is like a weaker version of Combat but with more PvP tools and without weapon specialization restrictions.

    Spell training is reduced on the realm so you shouldn't have that much trouble learning new ranks. Do keep in mind that profession rates are x1, regardless of the x5 XP rates. Don't pick any professions before 70 - it's a massive waste of time.

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