1. MMR Dropping in Arenas

    So you would have noticed if you played a few games of 2v2s or whathave you, that seemingly every 5th game or so on average (this is by no means a science) you will get a free win without ever letting the timer count down to 0 for the round to start. Naturally, this is the result of your average MMR dropper.

    "so what i get a free win out of it"
    Ok that's true but when you have people losing 50 and 60 games at a time (deflating thier typicaly high MMR down to 1200 or something so that they're que'd up with 1500 rated folks at 1700 or 1800) it's frustrating for those who want to climb rating, but choose to do so honestly. I've noticed being 1650 team rate, give or take, and seeing my personal rate at 1950, never on that character have a reached 1950 so it doesn't seem fair that the game deems me fit to play against players of that tier simply to climb out of 1600.

    Are these actions condoned by warmane? perhaps seen as a legitimate strategy to climb the ladders? Who knows, certainly not myself but it would be nice to see some sort of fix to amend this behavior, perhaps reset MMR to 1500 upon making/leaving a team. i haven't given it much thought, and don't claim to know the right way but some action on this would be greatly appreciated by me and i'm sure, other members of warmane just looking to climb the ladders legitimately, as it was intended.

    Thoughts are much appreciated.

  2. Didn't fully read the post but what? 1650 team rate, 1950 personal? That has nothing to do with mmr dropping tho. MMR dropping is is basically required if you want to push decent rating, because the mmr system is kinda bad. Without dropping MMR at 2.2k rate you'd be 2.4k-2.5k mmr and would hardly get games. Imagine being 2.8k rating and what, 3k++ MMR? Yeah, no

  3. In what way does it have nothing to do with MMR dropping, how else would my personal rate be inflated beyond the team rate? Lets assume hypothetically that 20% of all teams practice MMR dropping (that's probably high but just roll with it). Now if their personal rate drops, surely other teams rate goes up right? I'd assume (if you contolled for other variables like the amount of games played per team and varying team rate) that teams who don't practice mmr dropping would have an inflated Personal rate by 20%.
    It's easy to claim negatives, it's much harder to make a positive assertion. I DON'T completely understand how the system works but that's why i'm here, and if you do please fill me in.

  4. i had a coffee, took a shower and had a nice long think on it and it occurs to me i may have changed teams which would account for my unreasonably high personal rate in relation to the team rate. however the point remains.

  5. 2k17 not knowing how mmr system works lol

    what happens 90% of the time is this:
    Player A is looking for a partner. Player B isn't happy in his team (anything above 2k). Player A and B decide to play together and the MMR is calculated by combining both of their Personal MMRs (different from personal rate f.e player A is at 0 but he has 1500 mmr by default). If we assume Player B has 2k mmr that means the team MMR would be 1750. They start a new team (0 TR) and by the time they climb to 1000 rate they are 2k mmr and they face better teams and they get stuck if they are not good. If they climb to 2k their MMR will be like 2250. If they are 2.5 their mmr would be 2750. Sometimes there's less than 150 rate difference between rank 1 and rank 10 and having the highest MMR means you are an easy target. You wait more in queue, you lose more rating when you lose (16-17 instead of 8-9 for example) and you gain less (4-5-6 instead of 10 f.e)

    If you can't comprehend this idk

    tl;dr mmr dropping is mandatory

  6. Thanks for the info. you talk like a child.

  7. I took you step by step through this and I used B1 level English so your low IQ brain can process the information. dont try to talk ****

  8. Mmr droppers dont receive any rewards when the season ends

  9. Mmr droppers dont receive any rewards when the season ends
    bs, at the end of the season there's no team in the top 10 2s of any realm that hasn't dropped.

  10. "I took you step by step through this and I used B1 level English so your low IQ brain can process the information. dont try to talk ****"
    Look, as far as the content of your statement above is concerned i'm not being facetious when i say "thanks for the info". that much is true. however when you assume i couldn't comprehend simple concepts you come across as an angsty teen projecting.....
    I didn't start this thread to have a flame war. i couldn't care less what you think of me. If you have something of content to add, by all means, i'm here to learn.

  11. Don't hate the player, hate the game

  12. Well there always was mmr droppers and always will be. And yes they don't receive rewards in end of the season if they mmr dropped (it's easy to track if they did) and therefore team will be disbanded. Also there was information that arena system will have remade, but yeah it is what it is at this point. All I can say is have to deal with this until something is done.

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