1. Icecrown queue

    3 hours on the queue and still on 241 position, seens to be easier to get a kidney transplant than play on icecrown on a saturday.

  2. That's their business, they could enlarge the limit of players but instead of it they make you pay a donation to avoid queue.

  3. Even if we could increase the limit from a realm stability standpoint, World of Warcraft was not designed to handle 12,000 players on a single realm in the first place. You are more than welcome to play on any of the other realms.

  4. I like how some insist on the argument of warname forcing players to donate...

  5. Even if we could increase the limit from a realm stability standpoint, World of Warcraft was not designed to handle 12,000 players on a single realm in the first place. You are more than welcome to play on any of the other realms.
    I remember Skuddy saying that he'd rather have it decreased to 10k because of having too many lag spikes to his liking, which I honestly agree with. Still, it's not my server or my decision.

    Also, regarding players having the desire for the realm to increase population, Ohiemetzen said it best.

    Increase lag, increase players competing for quest mobs, increase ganking, increase toxic players... that's all I can remember.
    Edited: October 7, 2017

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