1. Argent Crusade spot (Icecrown)

    This has become pretty much annoying. Argent Crusade is kind of a buggy place, sometimes I get bugged 'stuck' when I hit the flag, sometimes when I dismount I get stuck, sometimes when I just die and that 'gryphon mount' is just walking at no direction just stuck, can you guys fix this issue, I won't use every time the unstuck option, otherwise it's available every once in a while. (30 minutes or so). Even /console reloadui function doesn't seem to help.

    Thank you on your understanding.
    Edited: October 13, 2017 Reason: Further information

  2. Happened to me as well until I finished the quest line to unlock the place. After that I'm having no problems.

    So yeah if you haven't done the quest line yet try it it might fix your problem.

  3. Complete the quest chain and it will work fine.

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