1. [ANSWERED] Disruption of Gameplay


    as Palutena's mentioned
    I believe such players may be reported for disruption of gameplay. [ .. ]
    could we maybe have a clarification what would be considered a 'disruption of gameplay' offense, and what not?
    There are actually a lot of things that can be done to 'disrupt others gameplay' (including but not limited to ganking), however those do not seem to be an offense?

  2. Whaaaat. thats new. yeah need some more info about the Ganking. and other stuff. that alot people do. like leaving rdf and such.

    Since I gank really alot. yeah i need some info.

  3. Disruption of gameplay is something we had to basically come up with to note a ban reason for absolute extreme cases. Ganking, relatively normal NPC farming and such are not extreme cases.

    Think extreme as in so disruptive that it's causing massive hysteria and problems, possibly even to the extent of disrupting server stability. If we were to give an example, best would be someone managing to kill all the quest NPCs for low level zones to an extent where players can't level for days. As in someone committing a genocide in Elwynn Forest to the extent that no fresh player can do a single quest. A highly unlikely extreme case and even this would go under careful examination by the GM team.

    It's not a ban reason you'll see often announced. Keeping this thread open, in case you have other questions.

  4. If one were fishing in Nagrand & an opposing faction were fishing as well (For example the lake where people farm waters) would one be banned for continually killing the person of opposing faction farming as well?

    Same goes for Elemental Plateau, would one be banned for cleaning out the competition over & over?

    Imo it is just world PvP.
    Thanks in advance Proterean!

  5. What about barring entrance to zones/areas like VoA?There are only two ways to survive 25 spells casted at you,and not everyone is a paladin/hunter.

  6. use the teleport from dalaran :^]

  7. use the teleport from dalaran :^]
    And that prevents the boxer from killing me before i reach the actual vault port?

  8. wait it doesnt port you straight into the keep? guess im not doing enough voas

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