1. Few questions about trade


    Got a few questions about trading.

    1. Can a character receive arena points while being on sale in the trade if he played his weekly games beforehand?
    2. If you sell a character without the inventory what happens to your gold/inventory? How do you access those items on another character? What if you sold your only character?

    Thank you

  2. I have a question too, Is it allowed to announce the trade on global chat? Can I send global messages like: "I want to sell "chacater's name" for coins via market. 3k GS / 375 JC & FA /w me to negotiate" Also, if it is allowed, does the character have to be put on the market before we announce it?

  3. 1. I guess not but I am not 100% sure
    2. they are lost forever if someone buy your character. If no one buy your character then he will be back to your accoutn with all his inventory

    Yes, you can advertise your character in-game but not on forum.

  4. Thank you, but does it have to be on the already market when I advertise it?

  5. no. You just need to specify that it will be done via warmane trade

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