1. BM Hunter steady shot/auto shoot macro!

    Can any experienced hunter here Post famous Steady shot/auto shoot macro for new BM hunters and if plausible explain how it works/how to use it!

    Thank you in advance!

  2. #showtooltip Steady Shot
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
    /cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
    /castsequence reset=# Steady Shot, !Auto Shot
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

    Basically you spam the button in which you put the macro.

    The "#" is your actual attack speed (the one you see on your character sheet) plus a 0.01 (so if your speed is 1.90, you write there 1.91).
    The "!" before Autoshot prevents clipping most of the time.
    If you happen to clip (meaning you can't shoot and there's always a "can't do that yet" error on top of the screen), just press esc and retarget or use Arcane Shot or another shot you have on your actionbar. Usually clipping happens when you lag.

    Protip: if you have a mouse with an "automatic" scrolling wheel (you move it once and it continues moving for a while automatically), you can bind the macro on your "mouse wheel scroll down" command, so when you scroll your mouse you start spamming the macro.
    That lets you focus on some other aspects of the raid (like trap chaining some enemies or going brb like a champ while killing a boss).

    The weapon speed (not the actual character sheet speed) you should aim for is between 2.70 and 2.80. From 2.9 you should use a 3:2 rotation (which involves more shots and is used usually by MM and Surv hunters)

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