1. how is this helping any1 ? like they gonna stop selling gold for money . they are still gonna sell that , and if ppl are dumb enough to buy it , well say bye bye to your account . in terms warmane did say that our accounts are OUR responsibility . so now by doing this you will once again take half of our gold and prices will go down on everything and prices will rise again like they did now , but we will still be 50% short .
    THINK about how this affects players that are smart enough to take care of their accounts (like 90% of the server)

  2. gold sellers are just using /yell in major cities to sell gold now

  3. I have personally lost interest in playing here on Warmane. My husband and have supported this server for many many years, but this "Again" takes the icing off the cake. It's a shame it has come to this.

  4. How many more people you want to keep telling you that the gold squish isn't a good idea now? Been over 26 pages.
    But it is a good idea. It makes warmane more $. It give the majority of new players the illusion of "better market prices". It hurts the stupid. It rewards the intelligent. The downsides are that it hurts the stupid, but that's their own fault for being stupid, and that it makes it harder for new players to catch up, but they get the illusion of a better market and are mostly unaware of the fact that it negatively affects them.

    Overall good idea or bad idea depends on your actual objectives.

    If you take the objective as simply: make warmane more $. Then it is undeniable that gold squish does this excellently.
    Furthermore, a secondary factor in making warmane more $ is enticing and or keeping new players. Most are clueless so they will associate lower AH prices with better server for them = more likely to play, more likely to stay.

    Gold squish is an excellent idea for achieving the above.

    People who are saying it's not a good idea are actually saying "i don't like it".

    No one gives a crap if you don't like it.

    P.S. I'm quite unbiased here; I don't really care about gold squish one way or the other, I have all the gear anyone could ever want on all 3 chars I play (we're talking real everything, like Bauble HC, Sindra Fang and even T2 wrath weaps in my rogues bags etc LK HC staff for priest with mp5 gems to switch to in combat -actually very useful in arena, but lol 2s? what a joke, and with custom server titles for 2s as well rofl.) except 4 items which I will maybe use less than 0.5% of the time when I do get them. Gold squish will actually help me get those 4 a bit faster (even if they cancel squish, infact maybe even faster if they cancel the squish... any disturbance to AH = good for me, always) but I don't really care about any of the gear I've been buying with coins for the last year already, just getting it cause "oh maybe 0.5% of cases in this situation I might consider using it and I have nothing else to do with my gold bought coins". So I don't really have any incentive for bias unless buying a T2 wrath weap for my lock (which I'll literally never use unless I arena again on my lock)

  5. 2. You can save/hoard it, only to see it being cut by 50%.

    Option 1: Spend it on stuff.
    Say you have 20k. You spend 10k of your gold on stuff you could resell. The gold squish comes and you lose 5k instead of 10k. In addition, you have 10k in assets that you could potentially resell later.

    Option 2: Save/Hoard it/Make as much as possible before squish.
    Your position will be 50% less, regardless.
    You're wrong on every point. This is quite an achievement, even for a warmane player.
    However, I'm also grateful to all the masses of irrational players like yourself, you've all (in effect) thrown bis gear at my alts at about 1 item per hour of real time invested on ah. (This is far worse pay than my job, but it's an odd hobby of mine, not doing it for the coins really.)

    Option 1, does not give you 10k, in assets. It gives you whatever you can sell the assets for after squish, in assets. According to the theory that prices half this would be 5k, in assets, at a cost of time, so it's exactly the same as position 2 but with more effort, in theory. I won't go into what it actually is in practice.

    Option 2, you are semi correct but not exact enough, it does give you a 50% less raw gold, but you said your position is 50%, not the raw gold. If you mean your gold position is 50% you are correct, however it certainly does not give you 50% less in coin value or even 50% less in ingame value. I won't get into why and I couldn't care less if you trust me on this.

    Option 3, You are not 50% poorer, you 50% poorer and 0.5x gold you gave away poorer. Gift recipients are not only not worse off, they are better off.

  6. but this "Again" takes the icing off the cake.
    A supporter who would quit because of a gold squish.... very unlikely to be a supporter of any meaningful value to the server, either way, any lost future donations from your sort will be more than made up for by extra donations from new players and the significant donors.

    "Takes the icing off the cake" I think you've jumbled the expressions "takes the cake" and "the icing on the cake", if you created the expression intentionally as the inverse of "the icing on the cake", then you should consider exactly what the icing on the cake means and how the inverse thereof doesn't actually make complete sense in your context of something so bad that you're going to quit and need to tell people you're going to rage quit 4eva, i.e. almost certainly not going to quit (statistically speaking, from past observations).

  7. Let me get this straight. You take half of the gold away from players and then wonder why there's a market for gold sellers? Gold squish CREATES a market for them. This is the opposite of what would drive down gold sales. You are helping the gold sellers.
    They fully intend to help gold sellers as this makes warmane lots of $. However they just also want to remove all gold sellers who are not players on the server selling through official market place for coins and increasing warmane profits. Their actions and objectives are totally consistent.

  8. This will just drive third part and warmane gold prices up, so it helps both of them i guess

  9. Idk about what 'healthy' community you talking about...

    Just look at those AH prices.Rare item for level 25 cost 200 gold.

    I killed thousands mobs leveling 2 characters,never got rare item myself.Drop chances are hilarious,and they are much lower than retail ones.

    What healthy economy you were talking about again?

  10. The gold squish might create an interesting scenario. Let's assume there's just three things you can do with gold.
    1. You can spend it on stuff. The cost at which you acquire the item will not be cut by 50%.
    2. You can save/hoard it, only to see it being cut by 50%.
    3. You can give some of it away.

    Option 1: Spend it on stuff.
    Say you have 20k. You spend 10k of your gold on stuff you could resell. The gold squish comes and you lose 5k instead of 10k. In addition, you have 10k in assets that you could potentially resell later.

    Option 2: Save/Hoard it/Make as much as possible before squish.
    Your position will be 50% less, regardless.

    Option 3: Give it away. Giving (in any economy) is a thing of beauty.
    You have 500k gold. Five of your guild mates are at 1k gold, trying to save for flying or whatever. They can't afford it. Squish is imminent.

    Before the squish happens, you decide give 2x the amount that your friends have. Their gold amount is unaffected by the squish, and you can still take advantage of the squish, just because of your buying power and/or ability to take advantage of AH just days prior to the squish.

    You are 50% poorer, but your guild mates are not worse off...

    The gold squish is coming whether you like it or not...

    What matters is how you react to the squish.
    1. If we learn from the past this is not good idea. Overall prices will drop under 50% of previous value, not even talking about this crazy inflation after announcement.

    2. This is one of best options, with this inflation you can even gain more than you will lose, comparing it with prices 4-6 months ago, which would be considered "normal". You can make more gold in these last months before squish than you could in whole 10 months before announcement. Half of it is still pretty impressive numbers, especially after few months when value will deflate to more than double value of "normal" value.

    3. Irrelevant, personal choice.

    Lets look at some facts. Before previous squish I sold 1.5 milj gold to get 150 coins for SM. 3 months ago I sold only 300k to get another SM. Gold value is five times, compared to past. Now, I don't expect such insane stats this time, but still gold value will raise.

    And telling this here - not a big deal, pond is pretty big. And only so small % of playerbase comes to forums/can read. So, think about it and separate fool from his gold with this great opportunity Warmane has given us.


  11. Maybe look at it a different way people. The icecrown economy is stagnant. This squish is inducing a great change which will have an effect that we don't really know. Uncertainty drives the market so prices will fluctuate and patterns will change making the economy more interesting. I agree, it doesn't help with gold sellers, and the likes, but I don't think they have said that is their intention of the squish. Hopefully they improve their system to catch gold sellers, or GM's just go sit in a city and see people /y selling gold (because it's there everyday.... *cough orgrimmar*.).

    If they do nothing -> Icecrown remains stagnant economy and players just keep doing what their doing.

    After squish -> Prices fluctuate, people try new methods at making money, gold is less inflated, and interesting things happen with the economy.

    Maybe just invest your gold now into what you need and bulk on items you think will sell like an investment? It's easy to see the bad, but how about trying to see the good?

    It's really not hard to get auctioneer working with the AH Fix and figure out how the market works.. You don't have to just undercut prices to sell. People are constantly trading in chat for better deals and this will increase trade off the AH as well.

    Your gold loses half it's quantity, but it doubles in value and this change will have an effect on everything that makes the game more interesting so just deal with it. You could easily profit more off of it then just whine that you aren't prepared or don't know what to do about your meaningless currency you are stockpiling.

  12. goddamn thieves, this government blows

  13. Well on a positive note this actually teaches people a valuable lesson. This is a perfect example of negative interest rates. Now you will be prepared when the US government decides to go negative interest rates and will know to buy a ton of valuable products in order to keep the monetary value of your gold.

  14. Y'all should buy bitcoin with your gold before the cut.

  15. Well on a positive note this actually teaches people a valuable lesson. This is a perfect example of negative interest rates. Now you will be prepared when the US government decides to go negative interest rates and will know to buy a ton of valuable products in order to keep the monetary value of your gold.
    yea sure lmao

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