1. khorium ore nodes missing

    i have been mining for khorium ore all day for some BS Xmogs and it seems like all of BC areas are all out ...... you cant find it in the AH either ...... anyone have this problem too ??

  2. Yeah apparently they don't exist. Moonsado has been looking for some forever. I tried a while on my miner but no luck.

  3. I concur. I've been mining nodes in Shadowmoon Valley, Terrokkar Forrest and Nagrand and none have dropeed Khorium. This may be a bug. Althought the drop rate is supposed to be low, it is not supposed to be impossible to acquire.

    Please report this on the Bug Tracker so that it gets some attention.

  4. Yep, confirmed. The node doesn't exist. It's even easier to mine eternium than khorium nowadays! :(

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