1. Outland World PVP

    Hey everyone!
    I'm new to the server and really enjoy playing here except for one thing: World PVP is just straight up stupid sometimes. There are people, especially rogues, killing everybody in plain sight near important quest NPCs and really just wait to kill you.

    It wouldn't be too hard to make world pvp optional if you really want to have that pvp realm feeling, wouldn't it? I mean the alliance global chat is like "ay horde is killing us here in x and kills all the quest mobs since an hour" or sth like that and since I haven't been here too long I must admit reading this a lot just makes me scared of whats to come once reaching level 58.

    Please do something about this it really sucks the fun out of the game sometimes because you're only waiting for the respawn to get ganked again and aren't really playing anymore.

  2. I am probably one of those people you are griping about lol. I came from Elysium about 5 weeks ago and alliance was constantly ganking lowbies in every single pvp zone. Maybe it's pent up aggression but I'm not sorry. For the horde!

  3. It has nothing to do with getting good if lvl 70 pvp geared players just kill me over and over again lol

  4. Hellfire is hell (lol)...

    It will get better once you hit Zagamarsh.

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