1. Alliance Raids and Community

    I feel like we need more alliance appreciation posts, tbh.

    How have your experiences with alliance on this server been? It's been a while since I played ally and I've been considering a faction change. When I actively played alliance, it was honestly pretty enjoyable. Guilds that accepted lowbies were impossible to find and I eventually got bored and switched to my blood elf full-time. I *was* able to find a small guild which was very friendly and welcoming, but it went inactive and unfortunately disbanded very quickly.

    I also can't be the only one who thinks Stormwind feels more like a home than Orgrimmar, for whatever reason. Probably the calm colors; just feels very welcoming and mellow and is something I honestly do really miss about playing ally, considering sitting in the capital city and daydreaming is something I do pretty often.

    How are raids on alliance, and PvP? How difficult is it to find groups nowadays?

  2. The Alliance are just as **** as Horde, and the Horde have 3x the pop. I would just stay where you are.

  3. @OP Reading your post makes me think you're Alliance at heart and should stay Alliance no matter what.

    Anyway, both statements in the above reply are wrong.



    PvE-wise, Horde is better than Alliance, but this doesn't mean that Alliance is "unplayable". PvP-wise, the two factions are about equal (hate me if you want but that's what the server statistics say). Horde still has the better racials, though.

    I'm a Horde player who went Alliance during the perks and is now back to Horde. A perk-slut, if you wanna call me that way :D

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