1. [ANSWERED] Mining and other gathering proffesions

    Hello dear guys from warmane
    Im currently on icc server and im having alot of truble to mine ores for ex. Titanum or saronite evrithing is farmed out most of times im lucky if i find something at all .. im feeling like im picking up somones leftovers .. there is alot of competition and its almos to imposible to get 20 ores of titanium in like 3h or more ... alot of guys use boting program or some kind of programs to farm rare ores or herbs .. so im asking you polite can you change spown times of ores or herbs or implement more so its easyer to farm it and not waste all of my time on farming other ppls leftovers wich is extremly frustrating ...
    P.s and argent grounds is broken and needs fixes asap
    Hope you reply soon

  2. You can take this matter to the BugTracker however I strongly doubt spawns will be changed. As for botters feel free to report them.

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