1. pvp quality

    Suggest maybe increasing honor from battlegrounds by double at least, with AV not working like it would have during retail TBC where you could spend an afternoon farming 10k+honor from AV alone, it can get extremely frustrating trying to farm honor here sitting through a 20 minute AB or EoTS only to gain 300 honor give or take, i stay away from WSG as much as possible. Trying to do 2v2s for points for the week with a friend isnt even enjoyable at that rate as well, coming up against fully geared pvp players who most likely donated for gear in the 1300 rating when they should be playing 1700+ and even tho its only season one gear in the end it still beats you because you choose not to donate and try to grind through the poor honor process and have a mix of blue and purple pve/pvp gear. im sure ppl will hate on this but its just a suggestion, im not trying to bash the server just trying to give honest feedback, if you can pay to stay competitive why not reward players who choose to gain honor and gear the natural route

  2. join pvp guild, play premades and you will get gear easy.

  3. He actually makes a great point. They put season 1 on the store waaaaay too early.
    Now every donator has a it and people playing regularly are FAR behind. This is ACTUAL p2w.
    Premades won't even take you if you're not sitting at 250-300 resil.

    I'm thankfully not in the exact same spot, but I had some alts that were completely BG geared in S1, fully decked out in honor and marks. The second S2 hit, I bought weapons and all offsets. Enchanted everything. Doesn't matter, because the blue gear facing people who bought some S2 pieces with their points instead, then donated for S1 pieces to fill the missing slots and S2 equivalent weapons will destroy you regardless.

    Nothing to do but wait for S3/S4 when the overall difference in gear won't be so abysmal anymore.

  4. I can't wait for s3. But will dread the warglaives rogues when they finally pop and I am not talking about being able to buy em off the store. lol, that wont haven't anytime soon.

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