1. Blackrock needs abit of attention

    I'm going to try and keep this constructive.
    Me, and i can guarantee alot of the other core-players of Blackrock, are tired of recieving no attention whatsoever.
    Threads on the Blackrock forum are being made frequently, where very good suggestions are being made (also alot of not so bright suggestions), but nothing is being done about it EVER.
    It's not even the lack of changes that annoys the most. - It's the fact that we are being COMPLETELY ignored. THere's just silence, from the staffs side, which is not okay. Many of us are paying customers, who payed for a product and who are interessted in this community. Please, staff, pay abit of respect by at least responding to SOME of our endless amounts of suggestions, reports and threads in general.

    I have seen two changes come into affect on Blackrock in my time here, which is several years by now.
    First change was the gear wipe. I can live with that, it's okay.
    THe second change was when Malaco logged on, and asked directly in "/say" what we wanted. The chat was flooded with requests, and i understand that not all of them can be answered or met. BUt the only real change that was made, was that shoulders where made available from SQ rating. I believe it took under 5 minutes from it was requested untill it was implemented.
    I freequently see a gm hosting some event on Blackrock, and i appriciate the thought, but we do not need 20vs20 events or duelling championships.

    What Blackrock needs, is just a brief moment of attention, and nothing more.

    Following are my suggestions (and they are backed by many, i believe), starting with the most important issues and moving towards the less important issues:

    - A seperate arena points-flush from the 3vs3 bracket , and combined with this, arena-points can no longer be obtained from solo queue (which would naturally promote more activity and competition in the 3vs3 bracket). If you're scared of losing sales on the website, don't add a third flush, but simply make one of the flushes only available from the 3vs3 bracket.
    - More action made against hackers and cheaters/wintraders. This is now a normal match in all brackets on Blackrock: 4292872
    - Implementing the REAL legendary-transmogrifications. - THere are absoloutely no valid arguement for, why they shouldn't be here.
    - I wouldn't mind an evaluation of the gear available either, though i'm not personally too worried about this.

    Well, staff, that's all. These few things, would improve the experience for so many players and it's really not complicated to implement.
    Spend an afternoon working on the changes for this realm.
    If you literally can not be bothered with even an afternoon, at least spend some minutes, and add a seperate flush for the 3vs3 bracket, and ban some more wintraders/hackers.
    If you, staff, still feel like this is too much to ask, please at least respond to this thread.
    Thank you.

  2. Pretty good suggestions. The only thing I don't agree with is the removal of the flush in soloQ. Let's say it straight , soloQ is the thing that keeps maybe more than half of the players in Blackrock. If you remove the way for people to get gear from there I really doubt it will result in increase of the interest in 3s , more like it will wipe the population.

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