1. Allow usage of non-gmail email address in account

    I would like to change my account e-mail to non-gmail one. Few days ago, google denied me access to my own email which I used for many years, and as a result I lost ability to change passwords and other functionalities on all websites where I put that gmail address.
    I don't want to rely on such unreliable email provider when using my account on Warmane, especially that WoW is a game where you spend many hours, or even pay money if you donate. I don't want to get locked out of my own account, as it happened with my email. Please add option to use non-gmail address in your account.

  2. doubt they will. the reason they changed to only allowing gmail was because it was the only provider they didn't constantly have issues with.

  3. other wow servers don't seem to have problems with using different email providers. even if that was a problem, you could solve that issue by adding secondary gmail address to your account, in case staff had trouble communicating with the primary email.

  4. I second this i really don't see a good reason to use only gmail acounts.
    EDIT: On another closed Topic someone said its becouse gmail is most "reliable" lol?
    All other games allow use of any email but here at warmane we are the smartest and we use gmail only !
    hooray for warmane
    Edited: February 5, 2018 Reason: Found another connected topic

  5. I dont see any problem using only Gmail. If you have problems with it, or got locked (it has always a good reason) contact Gmail and get a hand or two from them. If that all dont work out make another Gmail and add it to your Account.

    The Warmane Staff is very Helpful if it comes to such stuff while you cant login etc. etc.

    The change to only support Gmail at the End was in the first weeks a bit strange but you get used to it really fast and easy.

  6. Some forums have problems with some emails, nothing that Warmane staff can fix. My friends experienced similar issues with various websites. Plus having a gmail account is pretty easy and common so... heh.

  7. You may try making another gmail and replacing it. Gmail is the only one that has a 100% rate chance to receive our emails. We still have a few users with non-gmail accounts (very old accounts), but they can't blame us if they don't receive our emails. The issue is entirely on the spam filter of such services.

  8. I have non gmail email, only stuff that somewhat inconvenient is that auth. code sometimes arrive already after it's expired. Don't know if that's because of if.

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